SP1: Coordination, Coordination, Soil erosion, Radar and Socio-economic analysis

The subproject SP1 in the SPACES2 joint project SALDi is located in Physical Geography and Remote Sensing faculty at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and is headed by PD Dr. J. Baade. The deputy project leader is Prof. Dr. C. Schmullius.

The subproject SP1, which is located at FSU Jena, comprises a total of four subareas, which are presented on separate pages

The subproject SP1 Team a.k.a The Jena Saldians currently consists of the following people:

  1. Baade, Jussi, PD Dr SALDi Koordinator Chair of Physical Geography
    jussi.baade@uni-jena.de +49 3641 9-48803

    Room 206
    Löbdergraben 32
    07743 Jena

    Google Maps site planExternal link Portrait Dr. J. Baade
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper/FSU
  2. Schmullius, Christiane, Prof. Dr Universitätsprofessorin Chair of Earth Observation
    c.schmullius@uni-jena.de +49 3641 9-48880

    JenTower, Room Süd, 26. Etage
    Leutragraben 1
    07743 Jena

SALDi coordinator and subproject leader's contact

Jussi Baade, PD Dr
SALDi Koordinator
Portrait Dr. J. Baade
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper/FSU
Room 206
Löbdergraben 32
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link